Danchi Woman
The Lady from Public Housing
1 x 66’ & 1 x 27’
What happens when a Japanese octogenarian is forced to move after 30 years of life in one place?

85 years old and never married, Shizu has spent the past 3 decades living in one “Danchi” - the Japanese word for public housing - and filling it with the lifetime of souvenirs that have always kept her company. When the danchi is scheduled for demolition, Shizu and neighbors must say goodbye to their homes, and move into newer danchi that are too small to hold all of Shizu’s momentos.
This intimate documentary captures Shizu’s sense of humor, and profound nostalgia, as she sorts through relics of her past, and chooses which memories she must fit into her new home, and which ones she can let go of.
Program Info
Title | Danchi Woman | Danchi Woman |
Duration | 66 min. & 27 min. | 66分 & 27分 |
Location | Yokohama, Japan | 横浜 |
Language | Japanese + English subtitle | 日本語版/英語版(英語字幕) |
Production Format | 35mm HDV/Color | |
Genre | Human Interest | ヒューマン・ドキュメンタリー |
Director | Akiko Sugimoto | 杉本 曉子 |
Producers | Seiko KATO / Alexandre BARTHOLO | 加藤 成子 / Alexandre BARTHOLO |
Productions | IMPLEO Inc. / Assemblage K.K. | 株式会社インプレオ / Assemblage K.K. |
Production Year | 2017 (66') / 2019 (27') | 2017年(66分) / 2019年(27分) |
Official Web | https://danchiwoman.jp/ | |
@DanchiWoman | ||
Facebook Page | https://www.facebook.com/DanchiWomanFilm | |
Awards |
Copyright | ©Akiko Sugimoto | |
Rights | Worldwide |
Background: Filming started in 2008
SUGIMOTO came across Seaside Road Danchi 9 years ago. The abandoned look of the apartment buildings against the overwhelming skyscrapers impressed her a lot. She wondered “what lives are inside these buildings” and started filming there. Once she began filming, she learned that the apartment buildings would soon be replaced. In 2008 and thereafter, she visited the apartment buildings every weekend with a video camera in hand. Later, she edited her ten months of video footage into her independent film, “Seaside Road Danchi Story” in June 2009.
As filming proceeded, she built relationships with the Danchi residents and naturally developed a strong wish to continue filming until after the reconstruction, to create a documentary. Later she teamed up with a freelance cameraman and began shooting “Danchi Woman.”
This project, whose shooting began in June 2011 and ended in June 2014, witnessed the reconstruction, the moving and the demolition of the Danchi, as well as life in the new place.
Director’s Statement: Living alone, dying alone, but still smiling
“Living alone in old age?”, “With or without family?”, “Living in rental housing forever?”, etc. I was forced to face these issues during the filming of the lives of these women. No one can escape from aging. What’s more, injuries and accidents sometimes change the living environment of people. This film follows the replacement of some apartment buildings in Yokohama. This topic is a local issue, but it also includes themes such as the life of women and rental housing for senior citizens. I believe these themes are common issues for people all over the world.
I was particularly fascinated by Shizu UCHICOSHI and the unbelievable number of cardboard boxes she had. For people of my generation, who are showing increased interest in minimalism and decluttering trends, the idea of our parents and grandparents keeping everything without throwing anything away is an extremely difficult one to accept and understand. It should be obvious that in order to live a happy life, one must get rid of as much garbage as possible and only keep the bare minimum.
But wait…is that really true? Were the contents of all her boxes really garbage? I would like each of the viewers to make that judgement for themselves through this documentary.
Director: Akiko SUGIMOTO
Born in 1979 in Tokyo. After graduating from university, SUGIMOTO worked for a television production company. After working in various industries outside the visual industry for several years, she studied scriptwriting. Since 2008, SUGIMOTO has visited Seaside Road Danchi apartment complex in Yokohama and completed her own independent film, “Seaside Road Danchi Story” in 2009. The film was screened at the “CREAM International Festival for Arts and Media Yokohama” and independently mainly in Yokohama. SUGIMOTO is interested in recording and presenting some of the “lives” of people in “housing complexes” in Japan and the world.
Camera | Kazuhiro Terauchi / Naoshi Yamamoto | 寺内 一浩 / 山本 直史 |
Editing | Azusa Yamazaki / Alexandre Cas | 山崎 梓 / Alexandre Cas |
Assistant Editing | Yo Takahashi | 髙橋 洋 |
Still Photography | Keiko Sugawara | 菅原 景子 |
撮影するうちに、団地の住民たちと関係が出来るようになり、自然と建て替え後までずっと追いかけて、一つのドキュメンタリー映画として完成させたいと強く思うようになった。そして、2011年6月からフリーランスのカメラマンと二人体制で、『Danchi Woman』の撮影を開始した。2011年6月からはじまった撮影は、「建て替え」「引っ越し」「取り壊し」といった事象や新居での生活の様子を含め、2014年6月にクランクアップした。
監督コメント: 「あなたは、何に囲まれて最期をむかえたいですか?」
- 2009年 『海岸通団地物語』 CREAMヨコハマ国際映像祭 コンペティション国内長編作品として上映
- 2018年 第18回ニッポン・コネクション日本映画祭(フランクフルト)ニッポン・ビジョン審査員賞、ニッポン・ビジョン観客賞ノミネート
- 2018年 第15回EBS国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭(韓国) 正式上映
- 2018年 あいち国際女性映画祭2018 長編フィルム部門 金のコノハズク賞(グランプリ)受賞
- 2018年 ケープタウン国際映画マーケット・映画祭 正式上映
- 2018年 はままつ映画祭2018 入選作品上映
- 2019年 第10回座・高円寺ドキュメンタリーフェスティバル コンペティション部門 入選
- 2019年 第12回シューレ大学国際映画祭 正式上映
- 2023年 Un petit air du Japon – Festival de documentaires japonais au cinéma 「Ecran D'or」受賞 (フランス語字幕版「La femme du Danchi」)
Danchi Woman 27'
- 2019年 門真国際映画祭2019 ドキュメンタリー部門 門真市長賞受賞
- 2019年 第14回札幌国際短編映画祭 ジャパンパノラマ入選
- 2019年 那須ショートフィルムフェスティバル2019 正式上映
- 2019年 スレイマニヤ国際映画祭(イラク) 正式上映
- 2019年 横濱インディペンデント・フィルム・フェスティバル2019 ドキュメンタリー部門 最優秀賞
Danchi Woman 66'