1 x 26’

Documentary Series “Women in Struggle, Paving the Way for Asia 2015

A series featuring Asian women breaking new ground in contemporary Asia and making progressive changes in their respective societies,despite conventions and taboos that narrow their choices.
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Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, is where we find Masriyah Amva, the first female principal of an Islamic boarding school. She fights against male skepticism over female leadership in their conservative society using an unconventional weapon: Her interpretation of the Koran.


Program Info

Series Name Colors of Asia 2015 カラーズ・オブ・アジア2015
Title RISING FROM SHADOWS 日陰の人生よ さようなら
Duration 26 min. 26分
Location Indonesia インドネシア
Language English subtitle + Japanese subtitle 英語版(英語字幕)/日本版(日本語字幕)
Production Format HD HD
Genre Human Interest / Social Issues ヒューマン・ドキュメンタリー / 社会問題
Director Norhayati Kaprawi -
Producer Takeshi Sano 佐野 岳士
Productions Lensa Srikandi / Tokyo Video Center Lensa Srikandi / 株式会社東京ビデオセンター
Production Year 2015 2015年
Broadcast information
  • [NHK WORLD] September 11, 2017 (English Version) Inside Lens: RISING FROM SHADOWS
  • [VTV2] January 20, 2017 (English Version)
  • [NHK BS1] September 3, 2015 (Japanese Version) カラーズ・オブ・アジア「日陰の人生よ さようなら~インドネシア~」
Copyright ©Lensa Srikandi / Tokyo Video Center
Rights Except Indonesia

Director’s Statement

I (the director) has made a one year research on Muslim women’s issues in Indonesia and during the research, I met Nyai Masriyah Amva. I was very impressed with her strong spirit, her advocacy on gender issues and on promoting interfaith dialogues. So, I felt that her story should be shared not only with Malaysians or Muslims in other countries, but also with the rest of the world.

Director: Norhayati KAPRAWI

Norhayati KAPRAWINorhayati Kaprawi is a Malaysian Muslim woman activist and also a documentary filmmaker. Amongst her films are “Mencari Kartika” (on the issue of a Muslim woman sentenced to be whipperd for drinking alcohol in Malaysia), “Aku Siapa / Who Am I” (on the hijab issue in Malaysia).

Producer: Takeshi Sano

Takeshi SanoTakeshi Sano was born in 1959. He has 20-plus-year experience in the production of programs from private broadcasters to NHK. Sano produced a large number of overseas news programs and documentaries. Sano, a multi-award winner, is currently working as a director.


Camera Shalahuddin Siregar -
Audio Sudirno -
Editor Chi Too -
Audio Editor Zaid Fadhil -
Project Coordinator Azareena Aziz -